Monday, July 12, 2010

Gift Ideas To Send To Our Troops, Practical And Fun

A recent college graduate, with friends serving bravely overseas, I am always on the lookout fir great troop gift ideas. The men and women serving overseas are brave and noble, but they are also like me -- often young, in their 20s, and not immune to the desire for some of the comforts of home or the thrill of a good time. I want to share with you some of my troop gift ideas, in the hopes that I can help you assemble a good gift basket for military overseas personnel.

Gifts for the troops ideally fit into three categories: useful, fun, and good for bartering. Try to include at least two of these three categories in any box you send; a box full of nothing but "toys" is great, but doesn't help keep a soldier's feet warm; similarly, a box full of practical items might be appreciated, but it's no fun to share with one's buddies in the platoon.

Good useful items to include might be personal hygiene products such as dental floss, soap with soothing ingredients such as coconut oil, aloe or lotion. A favourite deoderant or toothpaste would be highly appreciated as would some soft wash clothing items. From a practical point of view; new underwear, socks, undershirts, bug repellant and air freshener would be good and welcome things to include. Do remember however; it would not be such a good idea to send food.

Our troops also love fun things. for fun send gifts to our troops like small electronic devices such as iPods loaded with music, Inexpensive digital cameras with extra memory. often there are some lucky guy in platoons whose family sent a portable DVD player with movies and television series. Don't forget to send "Real Toys" too like baseballs and Frisbees.

You can express your thoughtfulness to your favorite soldier by sending them items that can be bartered. For example, tobacco, used by my own grandfather in World War II, is still a great bargaining chip for soldiers who are looking for somebody to take over a shift or share rations with. Discreetly packaged men's magazines will also be welcome. However, remember that you cannot ship certain items: liquor, drugs, and ammunition should not be mailed, especially internationally.

I hope you've got some great ideas for what to send your favorite lieutenant, sergeant, or captain. Always remember to check regulations for what service members are allowed to receive by mail, and also keep in mind that a letter and a photograph will always be welcome too. Have fun creating your own gift basket!

What do you give our soldiers, who are brave, noble, and mostly in their 20's? Here are some gift ideas to send to our troops. Gifts for the troops should include at least two of the following three categories: useful, fun, and good for bartering. When considering a good gift basket for military overseas, remember to check regulations for what service members are allowed to receive. Music and cigarettes are perennial favorites, while drugs, alcohol, and ammunition are not. Personal hygiene items are also good gift items while food is a bad idea.

-Michael S Stuart

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